RBA events take place multiple times per year around the world and support companies, workers, government, civil society, investors and academia to exchange perspectives, ideas and improve their knowledge. RBA events and in-person trainings open to members and their suppliers are listed here in the events section of our website. All RBA trainings are conducted by the RBA. The RBA does not outsource its trainings to or authorize trainings by other organizations. If you have a question about whether an event or training is with or on behalf of the RBA, please contact us.
Looking for Online Training or Other Courses?
RBA Code Training & VAP Preparation Workshops
The RBA offers courses on its Code of Conduct and Validated Assessment Program (VAP), to help its members and their suppliers interpret the Code and prepare for onsite compliance verification.
RBA Outreach Meeting in Tokyo
The RBA will hold an outreach meeting on April 9 in Tokyo, Japan
Responsible Business 2025 Annual Conference
The RBA will hold its annual conference, Responsible Business 2025, November 11-14 in National Harbor, Maryland, just outside of Washington, D.C.